Thursday, July 22, 2004

On a rush

In poker, when you hit a real winning streak, you say you're on a rush. It's a great feeling when you keep getting great cards hand after hand, and watch your chips multiply. You can't believe your luck.

Well, sometimes this happens in life, too -- and I'm riding it. After I agreed to the contract yesterday, I guess someone at Adam's Media posted it on some kind of Books-under-contract/in-progess list or Web site like Publisher's Marketplace.

I had no idea this existed, but I guess film people do, because before I left work, I had received the first email from an interested film company. I was, to put it mildly, excited. All I've written so far is the table of contents and a single chapter and already the film people are coming? I thought. This is INSANE. It's non-fiction. There's no plot. Which is a good thing since I was never good at plot.

But then this morning I came into the office and found a voicemail waiting. Its content can best be described by the subject of its accompanying email:

FW: BAD ASS GIRL'S GUIDE TO POKER / Plan B Entertainment (Brad Pitt, Jennifer Aniston, Brad Grey)

That's right. Brad Pitt's (and his wife, whatever) production company is interested in obtaining the film rights to my "Book." If my work-in-progess is gathering this kind of attention, I can only imagine the film frenzy over some of the others. I mean, hello? TV's Ginger's book? Bank.

Anyway, when I heard the news, I basically lost my shit at work. So much so that I sort of crumpled to the floor, hysterically laughing and crying, loud enough that a co-worker asker if I was okay. I assured her I was Uber-fucking-tastic. That's not a direct quote. I wasn't that eloquent.

I have no idea if anything will happen with this, but it's safe to say it's amazing.

And um, while I was writing this, I just got an e-mail from someone at New York magazine. I'm talking to a reporter tomorrow about playing poker for an article she's writing about poker.

I seriously cannot believe my luck. It's INSANE. Like being dealt aces twenty times in a row. What are the odds?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Girl, I don't know where you got all this miraculous luck, but if you ever feel like slipping anyone some extra, I'm first in line for it!

(Smartass Jennifer)

1:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is fantastic Toby! Congrats on everything. I have been following your successes from afar. How exciting!

HobbitGirl (from IB)

2:36 PM  
Blogger Toby Leah Bochan said...

Thank you both so much!
I am trying to spread the good karma as much as possible, SJ, so just imagine I'm sending you some through the web. :)

4:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow -- sounds like I'll be INTERVIEWING you for soon enough, at the rate you're going! Rock on... (Ron)

12:40 AM  

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(c) Toby Leah Bochan