Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Birthday, Bodog, blah blah blah

Well, I made it to my 31st birthday and now can say I've quit smoking for a whole year. Weee. Meanwhile, I'm still chewing nicorette. Boooo.

In other news, still doing the majority of the bloggity blog thing at and sadly, am missing the big blogger bash in Vegas this weekend. Booo.

Lastly, I did an interview over at Bodog a while back and they finally got it up: Women Can Be Sharks, Too. There's a cute pic by Matt to go with it.

Monday, November 07, 2005

The Nuts?

go go go mr. testicles
Originally uploaded by tobyleah.
It's been a crazy month for me -- I moved, started a new job, and -- well, that's about all. But I have to be at the new job at 8:30 am which is eeeearrrrly. Poker playing was shut down online as my internets were all gone for a while, and there was only minimal real-life play.

What else have I been up to? Taking pictures, mainly, like the "go go go mr. testicles" here. More marathon pics here.

For pokery blogging, I've been doing my best at No, I know, my best isn't that good...
(c) Toby Leah Bochan